Started as sole proprietor in 2004,

TempCPA,  Inc was est 2006.

TempCPA, Inc

& Blüte Financial Coaching

Elizabeth M. Richardson, CPA/PFS, CFP®

My desire has always been to help people.  Whether in Corporate Budgeting helping creative directors submit an annual budget, running a crown financial class to teach individuals financial basics or having coffee discussing a new business idea and how to go about starting from a financial reporting standpoint.  My hope is to empower, teach and offer advice.

In college, I just happen to take a Personal Financial Planning class, which changed my complete objective.   It discussed 401Ks, mutual funds, insurance and made me question why was this not a mandatory class?  Everyone needs to know this information, but it isn't taught as part of a regular curriculum.  

Most companies today have 401Ks, but there is usually no one to help navigate the numerous choices.   So, people don't contribute, and before you know it has been years and nothing has been saved.   When you are young, you may not have very much money, but you have TIME!  Even $50 a month in a no-load mutual fund can make a huge difference 5, 10+ years later.

My career has consisted of working in Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis; ie Budgeting.  Working in credit, banking, marketing, IT, even financial advising to multi-millionaires, my desire has remained the same is to work with FUTURE millionaires, and my hope is that I helped make that happen.   Over the years my free time has consisted of teaching financial classes & coaching individuals thru a faith-based and a secular basis.  My hope it to enable people feel comfortable about their choices.

Companies worked with:

Trinity Financial Advisors, LLC

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Baker & McKenzie


Jubal Music, Inc


Sylvester Physical Therapy, Ltd.



Global Capacity


RTC, Industries

Lord Bissell & Brook

Bronson, Remus &


Frankel & Co

Siren Technologies

CorUS Bank

Neiman Marcus